Data Retention Policy
In aanvulling op artikel ‘Uw privacy’:
Als u een persoonlijk oefenprogramma aanvraagt in de app, dan registreert u zich met uw naam, e-mailadres en geboortedatum. Deze gegevens worden alleen gebruikt om uw persoonlijke oefenprogramma aan te maken. De beveiliging van deze gegevens in de app is van hoog niveau. Physitrack is een app voor zorgaanbieders. Daarom heeft Hifysio, de praktijk waarmee we werken voor Fysiochecknu, inzage in uw gegevens als u zich registreert en een oefenprogramma wilt. Zij zullen nooit medewerkers van ONVZ inzage geven in uw gegevens. Wanneer u uw gegevens wilt laten verwijderen, kunt u dit aanvragen via
In aanvulling op artikel ‘Onze verantwoordelijkheid voor door u geleden verlies of schade’:
Voor zover toegestaan door de wet, wordt Physitrack's aansprakelijkheid onder enige garantie, voorwaarde of waarborg (met inbegrip van, zonder beperking, enige garantie, voorwaarde of waarborg van verkoopbaarheid, aanvaardbare kwaliteit, geschiktheid voor een bepaald doel, of geschiktheid voor openbaar gemaakt resultaat), of enig ander recht of rechtsmiddel, onder enige wet of geïmpliceerd in deze Servicevoorwaarden door enige wet (wettelijke garanties) is hierbij uitgesloten. Indien Physitrack aansprakelijk is onder enige Wettelijke Garanties, en wettelijke bepalingen in een contract die de toepassing van, of de uitoefening van, of aansprakelijkheid onder dergelijke Wettelijke Garanties uitsluit of wijzigt, wordt Physitrack's aansprakelijkheid voor enige inbreuk op dergelijke Wettelijke Garanties beperkt, naar keuze van Physitrack, tot een of meer van het volgende: - indien de inbreuk betrekking heeft op goederen: de vervanging van de goederen of de levering van gelijkwaardige goederen; de reparatie van dergelijke goederen; de kosten van de vervanging van de goederen of de aankoop van gelijkwaardige goederen; of de kosten van het laten repareren van de goederen; en - indien de inbreuk betrekking heeft op diensten: de herlevering van de diensten of de kosten om de diensten opnieuw te laten leveren.
1. Introduction
1.1 This policy sets out the policies and procedures of Physitrack PLC (the "company") with respect to the retention, archiving and deletion of data, whether in hard copy or digital form, and including personal data.
1.2 The company is subject to a range of statutory obligations in relation to the retention of data. On the one hand, the company is obliged to retain some classes of data for a minimum period. On the other hand, it is a fundamental principle of data protection law that personal data should be only retained for so long as required. Moreover, the retention of some classes of data may represent an unnecessary security risk. For these reasons, the company recognises the importance of formulating clear and specific policies in relation to data retention.
2. Definitions
2.1 In this policy:
(a) "appointed person" means the individual primarily responsible for handling data retention, archiving and deletion by the company, being the data protection officer of the company;
(b) "data controller" means the natural or legal person, public authority, agency or other body which, alone or jointly with others, determines the purposes and means of the processing of personal data;
(c) "data processor" means a natural or legal person, public authority, agency or other body which processes personal data on behalf of the controller;
(d) "data subject" means an identified or identifiable natural person; an identifiable natural person is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier or to one or more factors specific to the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity of that natural person;
(e) "deletion" means the permanent and irreversible deletion of data from all relevant databases and storage media in the possession or control of the company including, where necessary to ensure the deletion of the data, the destruction of the relevant storage media; and
(f) "personal data" means any information relating to a data subject, including PII.
3. Data retention, archiving and deletion
3.1 The company must archive and delete data in its possession and/or control in accordance with schedule 1 (Data retention periods), save as set out in this section 3.
3.2 Notwithstanding the archiving rules set out in this policy, the company may retain non-archived copies of data to the extent that the data is reasonably required in non-archived form for:
(a) the fulfillment of any legal or contractual obligations of the company; and/or
(b) the establishment, exercise or defence of any legal claims.
3.3 The company must not delete data to the extent that:
(a) the company has a legal obligation to retain the data;
(b) the company has a contractual obligation to retain the data (providing that such contractual obligation is not overridden by any legal obligation to delete the data); and/or
(c) the retention of the data is reasonably required for the establishment, exercise or defence of any legal claims (providing that such requirement is not overridden by any legal obligation to delete the data).
4. Default archiving and deletion methods
4.1 Data must be archived by the company specify methods, save to the extent that specific archiving methods are provided for in schedule 1 (Data retention periods).
4.2 Data must be deleted by the company specify methods, save to the extent that specific deletion methods are provided for in schedule 1 (Data retention periods).
5. Reviewing and updating this policy
5.1 Information Security Manager or it’s delegate shall be responsible for reviewing and updating this policy on an annual basis.
5.2 This policy must also be reviewed and updated on an ad hoc basis if reasonably necessary to ensure:
(a) the compliance of the company with applicable law, codes of conduct or industry best practice;
(b) the security of data stored and processed by the company; or
(c) the protection of the reputation of the company.
5.3 The following matters must be considered as part of each review of this policy:
(a) changes to the legal and regulatory environment;
(b) changes to any codes of conduct to which the company subscribes;
(c) developments in industry best practice;
(d) any new data collected by the company;
(e) any new data processing activities undertaken by the company; and
(f) any security incidents affecting the company.
1. Introduction
1.1 This schedule 1 sets out the methods to be used by the company when archiving and deleting Personal Customer data (including PII) and the periods during which data must be archived and deleted by the company.
2. Customer data: retention, archiving and deletion
2.1 In this policy, "customer data" means any Customers and Customers’ Patients data including but not limited to customer identity details (PII), customer identity evidence and customer contact details.
2.2 Customer data is stored by the company in the following databases: for each geographical data centre where Physitrack application data is stored, Customer data will be stored in SQL-based database management systems, configured in a high-availability pattern.
2.3 Customer data must be archived daily.
2.4 Customer data must be deleted 30 days after Contract termination. Within this period the Data Controller is obliged to extract any data if needed.
2.5 Customer data must be deleted by deleting the backups from the storage medium after one year post Contract termination.
Last updated 8 August 2022
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We hereby declare that the medical device (Software) specified above meets the provisions of the Council Directive No. 93/42/EEC for Medical Devices and issued under the sole responsibility of Physitrack PLC.
The Software as medical device covered by the present EU declaration is in conformity with the (EU) MDR 2017/745.
All supporting documentation for this EC Declaration of Conformity is retained in the document management system of the manufacturer.
Breht McConville
Chief Compliance Officer
Physitrack PLC